I do not like to fight, I like to win.
(c) Bernard Shaw
Ukrainian Association of
Private Detectives of Ukraine
International Police
Creative solution to your problem

Wife or husband’s fidelity check

Wife or husband’s fidelity check Ukraine

Sometimes people in marriage become victims of betrayal, both from the side of a husband and wife. Our private detectives will conduct the fidelity check procedure to find out the truth about your partner.

Clients, who appeal to the Trouble-Shooter detective agency with such request, will have the opportunity to find out the truth and finally dot every i and cross every t. Sometimes suspicions of infidelity or dishonesty of men or women are groundless and do not get confirmed, and sometimes vice versa. In a bad case, our psychologists will help overcome the difficult life situation and restore your emotional stability.

In addition to the above service, Trouble-Shooter conducts activities both public and unpublic for the reconciliation of the parties. In this case, our specialist with a legend intervenes in the social circle of the person and conducts a psychological work. This method is extremely effective in renewing relationships. When the work is done, the person itself is willing to reconcile with the client.

Checking wife or husband’s fidelity

Is your partner suspicious? Does he or she stay at work longer without convincing explanations, make frequent phone calls, during which he/she avoids you, hide his/her text messages? Do you feel trust in the relationship? Do you suspect that your partner can deceive you? As a private detective agency, we are ready to help you and check your husband or wife for fidelity.

After the check, we will be able to confirm or deny suspicions of your partner’s betrayal. We would find out all information that may be considered unclear or requiring further investigation for further trial (at the request of the client). At the same time, we guarantee full objectivity of the procedures held and the opportunity to represent the party in the trial proceedings.

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Thank you guys from the detective agency. You're the best!!! I often go on business trips, and it seemed that when I was gone, my husband was cheating on me. Your repeated checks during my absence confirmed his loyalty. Now I am very happy and calm. I love my family so much)))

Тоня velsen@ukr.net Суббота ноября 25th, 2017

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Wife or husband’s fidelity check – Trouble-Shooter