I do not like to fight, I like to win.
(c) Bernard Shaw
Ukrainian Association of
Private Detectives of Ukraine
International Police
Creative solution to your problem

Conducting work on problem debts

This type of service is often practiced in conjunction with a number of others listed here. People who do not want to pay their debts are often hiding from the lender or there are controversial issues of debt relations. Detective agency Trouble-Shooter offers its services in the search for hiding debtors and working on solving problem indebtedness.

In the financial plan, business does not tolerate delays, and sometimes it is quite difficult to stay afloat for many people, but if someone owes you money and hides, this can be the last “drop.” In cases where it is necessary to search for a debtor, we recommend that you contact a private detective. This service will give you the opportunity to find out the exact location of the debtor and then take the necessary steps to return your funds.

In cases where there are problems with debt obligations or one of the parties refuses to pay for some reason, and the trial is delayed, there is a need for a non-standard solution to the problem. In such and many other individual cases, the private detective agency Trouble-Shooter is ready to provide its professional services.

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Conducting work on problem debts – Trouble-Shooter